Sunday, November 18, 2012

12 Weeks Old + A lot of Pictures

I can't believe that today Penelope is 12 weeks old today. She's had her third round of vaccines and is growing like a weed. She's over 15 pounds already :( It's getting harder and harder to pick her up, which is unfortunate because she doesn't like to move by herself! She took to crate training really easily and is very good at sitting. I've taught her "paw" but now she will always sit and put her paw up because she knows it'll get her a treat and she's a brat! I'm waiting for the days when she won't try to bite my fingers and I'm hoping they'll happen soon. She loves to bite! She's also definitely a tug of war dog. She will hold on and tug at anything and loves to growl and bark when playing. But she's so stinkin' cute I can't stand it. She just crawls on to my lap when I'm working on the couch (which she still can't get on or off by herself) so she can fall asleep. She has to be touching either me or the Mister when we're together/driving/laying down. She's precious and she knows it!

Anyway, here are some pictures from 9 weeks to now since I haven't updated since I first brought her home.

Princess problems

Sneak peek of our Christmas card

Snuggling up with daddy

That face, my goodness.

Exhausted after five minutes

This girl never stops sniffing around and she'll eat anything in her path

So quizzical

This was staged but she does have a biting issue!

My favorite thing is when all her skin furrows in her face and she looks so angry

Always sleepy and hogging the blankets

Bath, her favorite thing ever

Mister definitely has on a bathing suit, so precious


Pre-Christmas card photos, going crazy

Sleepy face and eyes

So so so angry that it's bed time

Evidence of future genius?