Thursday, August 9, 2012

Losing Weight

Recently I looked at some pictures of me and I was just shocked. I know I'm by no means overweight but I'm teetering on the edge and I don't like it. I've always been tall (thank goodness) so weight never looked so heavy on me. Until now.

So this past week I've started eating healthier and doing at least ONE workout every day I can and when I get sore I rest. Saturday - Tuesday I did different work outs. Yesterday I rested.

On Saturday I was 169.9 pounds and today I'm 166.2 pounds. I think that's pretty awesome mostly because I've worked out before for three weeks and didn't lose a single pound. Mostly because I didn't watch what I ate. And I'm not really eating ridiculously healthy. Just instead of having four cookies a day I have one or two.

If only I believed my boyfriend when he said it was this easy. I didn't think I'd lose a single pound in a week and I lost three. It could be water weight but hey, I'll take it!

I think every week I'm going to update here with what I've been doing and the progress I've been making. I'm legitimately excited about losing weight/working out for the first time ever. But ssshh! Don't tell my boyfriend!

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