Tuesday, September 25, 2012

It's Been Awhile (photo dump and catch up!)

It's been a long time since I've updated here. I've been super busy getting back into a routine with school. The first week back I lost my research assistant job and then panicked for a week before I found an after school nannying job. I pick up two kids from school and watch them until their parents get home from work. It's not bad, the pay is great, the mom is fantastic, the kids are .. okay. But I need the money! I've also began the process of grad school applications which have me totally and completely overwhelmed. I feel like I have none of the qualifications and I've grasping at straws for letters of recommendation. I just don't even know if that's what I want to do or if there is something else out there for me.

But the most EXCITING news of all is that my mister and I are adopting a puppy! We picked her out and paid a deposit to hold her because she can't come home for another three and a half weeks. She's a little basset hound and we're naming her Penelope. She's the most precious and perfect puppy I have ever seen. I'm completely obsessed. I miss her so much and I only was around her for about 30 minutes. But she has the most beautiful puppy smell. Three and a half weeks can't go by fast enough.

However, here are some iPhone pictures of the past few weeks (including my puppy at the end!).

Sending pictures to my mister while he's working!

Daily dose of goofy faces


Tallahassee weekend!

Burger place in Tally

Visiting my FSU bff<3

Duck faces!

Working out

Looking bad ass, right?

So done, I hate working out

Stanley hiding from the rain and thunder

Our friends precious baby is getting so big

Family birthday parties

Little Penelope!

Scared of the flash

Could not stop loving on her

Look at that cute little tongue

Love her, obsessed

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