Friday, October 26, 2012

Penelope the baby Basset Hound!

Penelope is officially with us and we have begun the puppy training. I was initially very overwhelmed because the mister is only here for three and a half days during week so I was alone with her on the weekend. I didn't realize how much having a puppy is like having baby. Up during the night, up really early, have to get things done while she sleeps because when she's awake she takes up all my time! However we've adjusted and it has gotten a lot easier.

Her first car ride home! Those ears are killing me.

She has a corneal dermoid on her right eye. The breeder gave us the option to not get her and offered to only have us pay the 100$ deposit instead of the full 500$ because she wasn't "perfect" and they couldn't tell us what exactly would happen with her eye. But she realy is perfect. We're taking her to a vet opthalmalogist next week to see exactly what this sucker is going to do in the future. Currently it is harmless and painless and doesn't bother her. However we have to make sure it won't get bigger and blind her or get painful. If that is the case then we'll have to get this precious girl surgery :(

My cat was a little weary of her at first, especially since she was in his crate since we got her a day early and I had no supplies with me (I was at my parent's house). He warmed up to her a little tiny bit and let her sniff him before he ran away.

This is literally my favorite picture of her. She's so precious I cannot even stand it.

This was the second day I was with her and I was so frustrated with her howling in her crate (my apartment has super thin walls) so I let her fall asleep on my bed by me. I know this is not how I'm supposed to reinforce crate training so I looked up advice that day and it's been getting much better.

We've also been feeding her raw, which I know is not very common. Everyone should look it up though because there are so many benefits! Better jaw strength, clean teeth and gums, shinier coat, less smelly, firmer poops, no more allergies or skin conditions. So many great things because dogs are naturally carnivores and packing their food with grains and rice products gives them allergies because their digestive systems are not really cut out to eat it. Just because they can survive as omnivores doesn't mean they should eat that way. If anyone wants some links to read up on it I'd be happy to provide some!

Chewing on everything she isn't supposed to!

So adorable, passed out in the car on the way home from Petsmart

She's literally the most ticklish pup in the whole world

First bath!

If looks could kill...

Drying off while Dad got the towel ready

So things have been going really well. It's much easier when my mister is around to help me because when he isn't I feel like I can't get anything done. We're still working on her learning to love her crate and go willingly but she's still really little. She'll only be nine weeks this Sunday! Any advice is welcome and appreciated :) I'll try to do a weekly update so people can see how she's doing and growing!

1 comment:

  1. She is adorable!!

    I got your email but I am not able to respond (yours is set up as a 'no reply comment-easy to change in your blogger settings). If you want to shoot me an email at I would be more than happy to give you some of our basset advice/wisdom :)
