Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How I'm Feeling Right Now

I feel completely overwhelmed. It's hard for me to be positive and happy during the week because I dread going to school/work and having to be busy every single day. Whenever I am just consistently busy from the beginning of the day until the end of the day for several days in a row I start to get extremely stressed out and negative. Luckily today I didn't have to go into work so I, instead of going to my research lab and getting ahead in my work, decided to come back to my apartment and sit in my bed and take a nap and read .. FOR FUN, during the school week. Which is just unheard of in my life. I am now off to enjoy my day, enjoy this picture of my face!


  1. Well I am indeed enjoying your PERFECT curls! Stunning hair :)

    1. Thank you :) it's a curling wand! It's the only thing that will curl my hair and my hair will actually stay curled.
